As the scene I'm going to try and build will be quite large, Ineed to refine the idea sooner than later and begin Maya work. I'm still undecided about where to set my street. I wanted to give it character as well as realism, which I can then make the audience doubt. At the moment I'm torn between a Black Country-Type Street and a more generic English suburb. The ideas for the first are below, if I am to take the route of an old-cobble street, I would like the hinting of the disaster to come from a factory funnel in the background, making the area look industrial, I'm debating whether including this might make the image seem a bit straight-forward.
A quick sketch of an idea:
Phil pointed me towards the website of Steffi Klenz, a photographer who graduated from our Uni a couple of years ago. There were some examples of run-down and abandoned streets in his work, such as this below. It will be useful when it comes to referencing as well as creating an atmosphere.
Hi Sam,
I think playing with a sort of northern, homely environ is interesting, though I'm wondering if you're in danger of simply producing a street that looks a bit grim - as opposed to some kind of impending doom; I think maybe you might consider using dislocation as a tool for creating something more interesting - perhaps you need to take another look at the paintings of De Chirico for that 'estranged' feeling?
... also, maybe have a look at Magritte - who creates a kind of 'drab' dream space in his images?
Ok Phil, I think after looking through Magritte's work, I could create something with much more contrast and of an abstract quality. Perhaps creating an entrance from my dull street into some much more vibrant and dream-like.