I've got one more scene to do, then a lot of After Effects work and editing in Premiere, ready for Friday. I want to have a couple of days for adding and editing sound as it is a huge part of my piece and needs to match the animation.
Below are some renders of my final scenes. The first one being quite a dark shot of the Gametophyte growing out of the spore, this scene will be lit up by flashes of lightining. The background will be digitally painted, it makes more sense in motion (like most things)
The next scene is the sperm-sacks, one of which bursts and releases the sperm-cells. Once again, the background will be added in After Effects after being modelled in Maya, I think it will be quite mountainous, as if the surface of the gametophyte is bumpy.
I've still got to animate the cells flowing down the leaf to the egg, which is my final scene. I'm going to put as much effort into it as possible, to make it worth the journey.
Hey Sam - I love the 'alienesque' egg chamber scene - bags of atmosphere; just keep refining and polishing with lighting to really bring out the most in your various scenes; remember to abandon 'lighting logic' if to do so promises to make the scene look 'right' - if it does, no one cares where the light is coming from!