Project Update

Posted by Sam Hayes On Thursday, March 31, 2011
It's been about a week since my last updates, which is quite a while, as we're moving towards the end of the project, time definitely isn't spare and I've overlooked the blog. I've got a folder of completed tutorial videos and images which I'll post up in a big post for Alan next week, but despite appearances, I am working.

The last week or so has mainly been put towards animating, the first Act and a half is animated, and I've spent some time refining the character's movements. I have edited the first minute or so together, and I'm working on the next shots in the sequence. Below are some shots from Premiere after compositing in After Effects.

I'm now working on the 'roof run' animations. The backdrop painting for this will take some work as I want it to show the town, not just the desert.

As I move on to the next part of the animating stage, there are a couple of hurdles to overcome, the main one being the new things my character has to do. I'll be creating a new rig (Hopefully tommorow) for this stage which will include a Tie hanging out (As a make-shift tongue) as well as the ability to snap open and closed. This will be done using the same methods as the other rig. The other shot which will take some time is that of the lasso, which the suitcase will use to hook-up onto the rail-shed roof. I'm confident that I
I'll have time to achieve it, but I'm hoping I'll have enough time to refine it before the deadline.

So Critique week begins, I've stocked up on substances to keep me working so it should be a productive few days!

1 Response to 'Project Update'

  1. tutorphil said...
    31 March 2011 at 17:37

    keep going, Sam! :D


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I'm a student studying CG Arts and Animation at the University for the Creative Arts, I'm living in Kent.

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