Environment Style

Posted by Sam Hayes On Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I'm aiming to carry on the same mood and pallette from my concepts straight into 3D. In the past, I feel I haven't thought about my pipeline and methods enough before 'jumping in' so this time I'm planning on working out a good process. Below is my first attempts at the styling in 3D, I think it is working quite well. I've used the train from my summer project as a pre-viz stand-in before creating a new stylised version. The background is painted along with the terrain. I'm rendering in layers to get more control in After Effects.

With more focused lighting, terrain and camera angles I think this style will match the story and work well with my shots.

The next stage is to match the props design to the colours of the environment, to make everything merge and feel like a world. I modelled and textured a water-tower using a similar neutral pallette and freehand textures to make it seem smooth. I think I need to work on the composition of this shot once the style issues are sorted. If this is the technique and aesthetic I settle on, I think the timeframe will allow me to keep this quality through the animation (Hopefully, without running out of time like I have in the past!)

1 Response to 'Environment Style'

  1. tutorphil said...
    15 February 2011 at 19:54

    hey Sam :D Really lovely to see these - and yes - YES! - you've got something cooking there, no doubt. Really excited. More confidence from you now please. You've got an increasingly strong hand - I suggest you play it with gusto. I really like what I'm seeing - and I'f I'd seen you today, I would have been all Tiggerish and excitable. Great.


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I'm a student studying CG Arts and Animation at the University for the Creative Arts, I'm living in Kent.

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